Monday, August 10, 2009

Hello everyone,

I go into the hospital tomorrow Tues Aug 11. They will start my 6 days of chemo on Wed. Then a day of rest. On the 8th day they give me back my bone morrow. Then wait for the bone marrow to graft into my body and start rebuilding my immune system. The entire process takes 3-4 weeks on average.

Those of you that live close to me, please call or stop by my house and check on Suzi and the kids. I just want to be sure they are doing good and the house is still standing. Thank you very much :)

I can have visitors in the hospital. I will be at the University Hospital on 5th fl in the Bone Marrow Unit.

My gall bladder surgery went well. I'm feeling much better.

I can't express my graditude for all your love and support for my family and me. We pray for the Lord's choicest blessings be upon you and your families.
