Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I'll try to keep this up to date.

I'll describe what its like so far with my treatments.

I had my second chemo treat about 10 days ago. My counts have dropped. This means that my white and red blood cells, and platelet counts have dropped very low. I had to have 2 units of blood giving to me yesterday to help bring the counts up. I do feel better today.
With my counts being so low, this means I can get sick very easily (fevers, infections) and if I cut myself I can bleed and have a hard time stopping the bleeding. I also, don't have much energy, I can walk down my street and back, then I need a rest.

With my counts being so low, this means that I'll probably have to wait until next week to get my 3 round of chemo. My chemo takes 3 days to give. They start on Thursday, I get 2 different bags, this takes 3-4 hours to give me through my port. I have a 3 prong port that was implanted on my right side. This makes taking lab work and giving meds so much nicer. I don't have to get stuck with a needle every time I need something. Then I go back on Friday and get checked in to the hospital from Friday to Saturday. The next 2 drugs take 24 hours to give me.

For the next 3-4 days I'm sick to my stomach, tired, and my body aches all over.

Don't ever take your health for granted. Its a blessing to be able to work and do things around your house. Its not fun sitting around all day and having to be very careful about not getting sick.

The Lord is blessing my family and I. He is helping up through this. We sometimes think about why am I going through this, did I do something wrong, am I being punished.
I've learned, from people much wiser than I, that this what we signed up for when we agreed to come to earth. All these trials, experiences, good and bad, are for our experiences and learning. They benefit us and those around us. They can make us stronger if we let them. Having cancer has forced me to rely fully on the Lord. Our life is in his hands. He is in control and we will not leave our sides. We walks with us and even carries us at times. He is always there.

So, its up to us on how we will go through this life and our trials. Having a postive attitude and taking things one day at a time helps. Let others help you when you need it. Never give up, fight the good fight.

Sorry for the long e-mail.

Have a great day, keep smiling.


Matt and Mari said...

Good luck with everything. I agree about not taking your health for granted. I empathsize with the getting tired easily too. You have a good attitude and positive thoughts. Much love to you and your family.

pammy said...

You are a wonderful person Stew, you just need this trial in your life for some reason. I know that we should NEVER take our health for granted, something could come to any of us at any time! You are a fighter and have a wonderful support system! We love you and you are in our prayers! Let us know if we can ever help in any way XOXOXOXOXOX