Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hi everyone,

Well, my tumor shrunk to 8 cm, that is the smallest its ever been the tumor is also dead YEAAAAA!. So my dr says its time for Bone Marrow Transplant. I'll be going in either next week or the week after. I should find out tomorrow when I go in. My dr also says that my body can't take any more chemo.

Also, we found out that I have gall stones. I've been having really bad stomach aches and now we know that I was passing gall stones, they hurt really bad to pass. I need my gall bladder out, its a question of timing, do we do it now or wait til after transplant. The only danger is if one of the stones doesn't pass, then it can cause very bad infections. In people that are health and stone blockages cause major problems, it mean it could be fatal. So, I'll get an ultrasound on Monday to see if there are any big stones in there. The fun never ends. Why take the easy road?

I had platelets today, my counts are slowly coming back up. I'm feeling tired today.
I stopped by work yesterday, it was great to see some of you. It lifted my spirits.

Thanks for your prayers, thoughts, and friendship. It does work and it does help. I'll keep in touch.
Some have asked it I can visitors when I'm in the hospital, yes I can as long as the person isn't sick.

I have friend who has MS, he is a lot tuffer then me. I look to my Father in Heaven and people like him to get strength to endure.

Thanks again for all you do.


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