Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hello everyone,

I've had 6 units of blood and 2 units of platelets over the past week, I'm feeling pretty good today.

I've had 4 chemo treatments. I get a PET Scan on Wed to see if the tumor is dead, then I'll meet with my Dr to find out the results of the scan and to see if she thinks I need more chemo or we go to bone marrow transplant.

The infection on my leg is healing, its all closed up now. My family is doing good, my two oldest girls are at girls camp this week. We had a fun 4th of July, we had a neighborhood BBQ and fireworks.

I hope all is well with you and your families. Family is very important, make sure you tell and show your family that you love them.

I'm always overwhelmed by all the love and support my family and I receive. Even though you may think your not doing much, every little word, e-mail, prayer is helpful and very much appreciated. Just knowing others care and are willing to help makes a big difference. Make sure to thank your Father in Heaven today for your health, that your able to work and move around. I miss that. Taking it easy is nice for the first week, then it gets old after that. I feel for those that are bed riding or limited by their bodies being afflicted in some manner.

Keep smiling, hold your head up high, things could be worse, things could be better. Let's keep our eyes and hearts on the Savior and things will work out fine.

I'll let you know what the Dr says on Thurs.

Thanks again.


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