Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hello all,

I had my 3rd round of chemo last week. I've felt better than before. Thanks for all the prayers and fasting, they are working.

I should be harvesting stem cells (bone marrow transplant) this week, starting on Thurs. This won't hurt, they take my blood through a "hickman" or "port" that is in my chest.
My Dr. said that if my cancer keeps responding to chemo (shrinking down) that she would like to do a few more rounds of chemo and get this as small as possible. We will keep watching and waiting.

We had a family reunion over Memorial day. I was very surprised to find out that 5 other family members have had cancer. They are all doing fine. That helped me, some more encouragement.

I've also realized, that I'm no different then anybody else. Everyone has, is going, and will go through trials, hard times. Some trials are big some are small. They all take a toll on us, they can bring us down, or help push us onward and upward. I have good friend with MS, he doesn't give up, he keeps moving forward. Another with arthritus, he has to take meds everyday, another lost a good paying job, another went through a tough divorce. We need to keep looking out for one another and help each other out. Sometimes, you don't know what the other person is going through.

My leg is healing nicely, I don't feel real sick, I feel pretty good for just going through chemo.
The church is true.
Take it one day at time, lean on the Lord, and let others help YOU out once in while.


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